Andrew Eborn - Broadcaster, Lawyer & Futurist

2022-01-11 7

Andrew Eborn, President Octopus TV Ltd
Renowned international lawyer, presenter, contributor, producer, broadcaster,
strategist, futurist, brand adviser, mentalist, magician & inspirational speaker.

Andrew Eborn Predicts ……
For several years, Andrew Eborn has successfully predicted major events, developments in business, media, sports and technology as well as global election results with alarming accuracy. Against all the odds, Andrew’s 100% record of predicting human behaviour, media coverage and results remains intact. Whilst pollsters flubbed spectacularly, Andrew Eborn predicted the Tory victory in 2015, the backfire of Theresa May’s decision to call a snap election in 2017, the twists and turns of Brexit, the unanimous decision of The Supreme Court that prorogation was “unlawful, void and of no effect and should be quashed,” and the post truth era of Trump. YouGov’s political research manager Chris Curtis described the last UK General Election as “arguably the least predictable election in modern history.” Against all the odds, Andrew Eborn again successfully predicted that the Tories would secure the largest majority since the days of Margaret Thatcher in the 80's.

Andrew Eborn also warned of a global pandemic which would lead to panic buying, the spread of misinformation and fear, press conferences, sound bites, posturing and division. As Andrew Eborn pointed out, our health and wealth are inexorably intertwined. We need to rely on evidence based science not political point scoring.

Andrew Eborn also maintains that the backlash to The European Super League was entirely predictable and its demise inevitable.

As a Member of The Inner Magic Circle with Gold Star, as well as a lawyer, futurist and strategist, Andrew’s predictions and deep understanding of human behaviour come with the territory – making the impossible possible. For many years Andrew Eborn has empowered companies to face the challenges of changing markets, maximise the return on their rights and assist with the strategic development of their businesses. Andrew has always been at the forefront of embracing technology and spearheading developments in entertainment.

Learning the Lessons of History
As Andrew Eborn points out, history repeats itself. We could, and should, learn lessons from history and yet we fail to do so. Perhaps our biggest failure.

“Brilliant, buzzing & loads of fun.”

Andrew Eborn’s

Book of Failure

Guaranteed Success!

Andrew Eborn’s Book of Failure® shines a light on the products and services, brand extensions and campaigns that failed to take off and have as a result earned entry into The Octopus TV Failure® Awards. As Andrew points out, “We always celebrate success whilst hiding the failures that led to that success. The Octopus TV Failure® Awards finally give Failure® the attention it deserves. If necessity is the mother of invention, Failure® is the father of success. @AndrewEborn @OctopusTV

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