Little Girl Dances With Dad as Family Celebrates Christmas in Isolation Amidst Pandemic

2022-01-10 8

This brave little five-year-old girl was seen dancing with her father as Christmas songs played in the background. She is a leukemia survivor and had to undergo intense chemotherapy to be cancer-free. Being a high-risk child, her family continued to isolate amidst the ongoing covid pandemic. On Christmas day, after everyone had opened their presents, this little kid approached her dad for a dance. As she swirled in his arms, she hugged him and said, "I love you." She connected with him in a moment when he was feeling sincere gratitude for his family, leaving him teary-eyed.

*The underlying music rights are not available for license. For use of the video with the track(s) contained therein, please contact the music publisher(s) or relevant rightsholder(s).