Best Exercise to Relieve Low Back Pain: Fronk Plank

2009-01-29 925 If you suffer from mechanical low back pain, there's probably a good chance you've been told you have a weak core. In the following video, the front plank exercise is demonstrated. When used properly, this core and abdominal exercise is a fantastic tool to help alleviate the symptoms and the causes of low back pain. Start in a legs fully extended position while braced on your forearms. Lift your hips and body off the ground and hold that "plank" position. Make sure that you keep your spine in the neutral position without any excess rounding or arching while breathing normally. Lower yourself back down, under control, to the starting position. Hold for the desired amount of time or complete the desired number of repetitions. Key Points: -work in a pain free zone -maintain neutral spine -breathe normally -hold for desired time or desired number of reps