Second Time Capsule Discovered at Former Site of Robert E Lee Statue

2021-12-28 582

Second Time
Capsule Discovered, at Former Site of
Robert E. Lee Statue.
The discovery of the latest time capsule was announced on Dec. 27.
According to a spokesperson from the
Virginia Department of Historic Resources.
this time capsule
was "below grade in
a very wet area.".
Julie Langan, the director of the Virginia Department of Historic Resources, also stated that it was "too soon to know whether water infiltrated the box.".
The first time capsule was discovered once the controversial statue of the Confederate general had been removed.
That capsule caused some confusion once it was opened because it did not contain the items that historians were expecting.
This led to speculation that another capsule might still be discovered.
Virginia Gov. Ralph
Northam tweeted about
the confusion once the
second capsule had
been announced.
They found it! This is likely the time capsule everyone was looking for. Conservators studying it — stay tuned for
next steps! , Gov. Ralph Northam, (VA-D), via CNN.
X-rays give a first look inside the time capsule: Experts believe there may be coins, books, buttons, and even ammunition from the Civil War, Gov. Ralph Northam, (VA-D), via CNN.
Langan also confirmed that this capsule contains the expected items.
It is a second time capsule and likely the one that was known to have been placed in the pedestal, Julie Langan, Virginia Department of Historic Resources, via CNN.
The one recovered last week was unexpected and likely left by men involved in the construction, Julie Langan, Virginia Department of Historic Resources, via CNN.
The second capsule is expected to be opened on Dec. 28