Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) National Convenor and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on December 24 condemned the Ludhiana court complex blast and said that first the sacrilege and now this blast in Ludhiana that too before polls were seemingly a conspiracy to disturb peace before assembly polls. “Some people are deliberately doing it. They should be strictly punished. I appeal to people of Punjab not to let such minds succeed. The person who attempted to desecrate Guru Granth Sahib could have been sent by someone. It's food for thought,” CM Kejriwal said. “Unless the state government is not honest, committed, such incidents will recur. AAP will give a strong government in Punjab and punish masterminds behind such crimes. Channi government is a very weak government. They have internal disputes. Today Punjab needs a strong and actionable government,” he added.