Week 26: Here are Some Quick Baby Registry Tips

2022-05-11 38

Let’s see, we mentioned heartburn and clumsiness, rib pain and backaches, so what else is there…? Oh right, forgetfulness! DUH. You might come down with a major case of pregnancy brain that makes you forget why you walked into the room or blank out while you’re in the middle of a sentence. It’s okay, cut yourself some slack — your body has more important things to do right now that remember where your sunglasses are (psssst… they’re on your head).

For your registry: Don’t be shy about asking for things for yourself, either (a spa day, a book to read while the baby naps, whatever). Especially if this isn’t your first baby and you already have a lot of the gear you’ll need.

At this point, your uterus might be so big that it’s pushed your innie into an outie! Don’t worry, it’ll go back to normal after pregnancy.

As you dream about your baby’s arrival, know that she’ll start showing signs of REM sleep in the next few weeks. Her wake/sleep patterns are developing, but they might be opposite yours because your motion rocks her to sleep, leaving her ready to party the moment you lie down. Get used to it, she’ll be keeping you awake for years to come!

Here are Some Quick Baby Registry Tips.
It’s already the end of the sixth month, Scary Mommies, and nothing will take your mind off that weird pressure that feels like the baby’s falling straight through your pelvic floor like a baby shower!

If you are having a baby shower, now’s the time to start thinking about registering for gifts. You probably thought this part would be fun, but don’t be surprised if it’s overwhelming and a little terrifying, not to mention exhausting if you try to do it while walking all over the store instead of online. Some tips:

You CAN Skskip ip registering for clothes and blankets; people will buy those or give them to you anyway, and after your baby has his first onesie-shredding blowout you’ll realize how pointless it was to agonize for 20 minutes over which color dinosaur was on the front.

Don’t be shy about asking for big ticket items. People like to go in on a gift together, especially that one guy in the office who didn’t actually chip in but sneaks his name onto the card anyway.

Do register for some practical things (diapers, diaper cream, wipes, etc) so you’ll have a stash to pull from when you’re running low. They might not be as much fun as a fancy stroller or adorable toy, but you’ll be glad to have them when you don’t need to make a diaper run at 3 AM on a Sunday.

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