Nazdeek was founded in 2012 by three human rights activists. This all-female-run organization works to protect maternal health rights of women in India. Through training and capacity building, Nazdeek empowers women in Delhi to understand and navigate maternal health care laws. Everyday women who want to see change in their communities suffering from a maternity health crisis, receiving training to become "Community Paralegals.” They meet with pregnant and new mothers and help them access maternity and postnatal benefits. Without these benefits, many must borrow money to cover pregnancy and birth-related expenses. Nazdeek has fought on behalf of several women who were denied benefits they were entitled to. One case was brought to the highest state court in New Delhi and won — unlocking substantial benefits for new mothers. Learn more about the work of Nazdeek and the challenges of giving birth in Delhi. And if you are inspired, remember that a portion of all proceeds from the Scary Mommy shop goes to fund Every Mother Counts — working to make motherhood safer for everyone, everywhere.