LOVE IS ALL by Cliff Richard - live TV performance 1975 +lyrics

2021-12-13 62

Record Date: September 6, 1975 (broadcast date)
Written By: Roger Glover & Eddie Hardin
Performed By: Cliff Richard (vocals), The Barrie Guard Orchestra (all music)
While performing this song, Cliff pauses briefly to give a cricket score to show that they are performing live. He pauses a second time to introduce the It's Cliff & Friends show, including announcing the show's guests.

Everybody's got to live together
All the people got to understand
Love your neighbour
Like you love your brother
Come on join the band
All you need is love and understanding
Ring the bell and let the people know
We're so happy and we're celebrating
Come on join the show
Love is all, love is all
It's so easy
Love is all you need
Love is all you need
And it's so easy,
We're so happy that we're all together
At the ball in the countryside
And even though we're wearing different faces
Nobody wants to hide
Love is all
Love is all at the Butterfly Ball
Love is all you need
Love is all you need
At the Butterfly Ball

All we need is love and understanding
Ring the bell and let the people know
We're so happy and we're celebrating
C'mon join the show
Love is all
Love is all and it's so easy
Love is great
love is all and love is free
love is all
At the Buttertfly Ball

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