Fauci Says Early Reports On Omicron Variant Are 'Encouraging'

2021-12-06 124

Fauci Says Early Reports
On Omicron Variant, Are 'Encouraging'.
Dr. Anthony Fauci is reportedly
optimistic about the lack of severity found in cases of the Omicron variant thus far.
Fauci says more time and data are needed,
though preliminary research has been optimistic.
Thus far, it does
not look like
there's a great
degree of
severity to it. , Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical
advisor to White House, via 'Newsweek' .
Thus far, it does
not look like
there's a great
degree of
severity to it. , Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical
advisor to White House, via 'Newsweek' .
Though optimistic,
Fauci remains cautious.
We have really got to be careful before we make any determinations that it is less severe or it really doesn't cause any severe illness, comparable to Delta. , Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical advisor to White House, via 'Newsweek' .
We have really got to be careful before we make any determinations that it is less severe or it really doesn't cause any severe illness, comparable to Delta. , Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical advisor to White House, via 'Newsweek' .
The doctor says the Biden administration has discussed the potential to lift the recently instated travel bans on multiple nations in Africa.
The doctor says the Biden administration has discussed the potential to lift the recently instated travel bans on multiple nations in Africa.
Hopefully we'll be able
to lift that ban in a quite reasonable period of time, Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical advisor to White House, via 'Newsweek' .
Hopefully we'll be able
to lift that ban in a quite reasonable period of time, Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical advisor to White House, via 'Newsweek' .
We all feel very badly about the
hardship that has been put on
not only on South Africa but the other African countries. , Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical advisor to White House, via 'Newsweek' .
We all feel very badly about the
hardship that has been put on
not only on South Africa but the other African countries. , Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical advisor to White House, via 'Newsweek' .
Initially detected in the United States on
December 1, the Omicron variant has spread quickly.
Initially detected in the United States on
December 1, the Omicron variant has spread quickly.
The heavily mutated strain of the
coronavirus has been detected in over a dozen states in America.
The heavily mutated strain of the
coronavirus has been detected in over a dozen states in America

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