This Technique Can Help to Keep Your Winter Workouts Consistent

2021-12-01 44

This Technique
Can Help to Keep, Your Winter Workouts Consistent.
It can be tough to consistently get
workouts in during the winter months.
Shorter days and colder weather seem
to clamp down on motivation.
Experts say that there are ways to
mitigate the effects that winter can
have on your desire to exercise.
In a recent study conducted by researchers
at the University of Wisconsin—Madison.
experts attempted to seek out new ways to provide motivation for people to keep moving,
even when it's cold.
They discovered that a controlled group of
volunteers who learned to meditate... .
... were more likely to maintain some form
of exercise during the winter.
We did not expect the mindfulness training to have the effect that it had, Jacob Meyer, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, via 'The New York Times'.
While researchers cannot say for certain why meditation was effective at keeping people moving.
they guess that it may have something
to do with the ways mindfulness can help
people feel more "embodied.".
This is a fancy way of saying that meditation can help people feel more of a connection between their thoughts and their bodies.
A deeper sense of embodiment can lead
to more awareness of both when and
why a person is exercising. .
Experts suggest giving meditation a try if
you're struggling to stay consistent
with your workouts