A Guide to Thanksgiving Dinner That Includes Unvaccinated Friends and Family

2021-11-18 143

A Guide to
Thanksgiving Dinner, That Includes Unvaccinated
Friends and Family.
A recent Harris Poll showed that nearly
half of the 1,400 respondents were
“extremely” or “considerably” hesitant... .
... to attend holiday events with
unvaccinated family and friends.
If this sounds like you, experts recommend
that you "be not afraid, but be reasonable.".
Among their recommendations, they
say to really consider "the likelihood that
we will get very sick from COVID-19?”.
Here are four more expert
suggestions on ways to enjoy
the holidays safely with your
unvaccinated loved ones.
1, Include everyone in the solution.
Ask all participants, "how we can make sure everyone feels safe and comfortable when we get together?” Come up with the answers together.
2, Make use of rapid testing.
The CDC recommends
rapid testing, which provides diagnosis
of COVID-19 within minutes.
3, Stay open-minded when discussing vaccines.
Experts recommend asking questions about why loved ones have not been vaccinated and then listening to responses, rather than making assumptions.
4, Consider all aspects of your space, including masks.
Take into account the size of your space, ventilation, your budget and then plan accordingly. If possible, make your gathering an outdoor celebration.
Happy Thanksgiving!