What Does it mean to dream about Evelevator (Elevator Dream Interpretation & Dream Meaning)

2021-11-10 2

What is the elevator dream symbolism or what does it mean to dream with an elevator or see yourself ascending or descending in an elevator in a dream?

To see an elevator in a dream refers to abundance, money and achievements. An elevator can also move up or down depending on your current emotional status.

If you see yourself moving up or ascending in an elevator, this represents financial growth and earning money. If you see a person who is ascending in an elevator in your dream, it means that someone close to you may require your financial aid.
To see yourself going down in an elevator may suggest disagreements between you and your family. However, these disagreements will end as soon as decision is made.
A common dream regarding elevators it see yourself falling in one. In this case, this may represent the fear of falling for other people’s opinions. Or feeling at their mercy.
All in all, is a positive dream, if you feel going through some emotional turmoil, you just need to center back on yourself. Go back to your roots, forget about what people think or say. You will see that the elevator of your life, gets moving upwards.