Tayyab Erdogan announces new constitution for Turkey Tayyab Erdogan latest speech in urdu 2021

2021-11-10 13

Tayyab Erdogan announces new constitution for Turkey
The world of disbelief and the Arab kingdoms are troubled
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has announced that it is time to give Turkey a new constitution. While this announcement has shaken the ranks of the world's infidels, it has also disturbed the Arab kingdoms. This news has been posted by Arab News, Euro News, Reuters, Dawn and other major newspapers and media groups around the world.

Behind the announcement of Tayyab Erdogan's draft of a new constitution for Turkey are the factors that the world fears. If you study history, you will see that the Ottoman Caliphate, which spanned three continents, was overthrown by the infidels in the First World War and the Caliphate was broken up into forty new countries, large and small. It was a heinous conspiracy ...

The infidels not only tore the Muslim caliphate into small pieces, but also handed over the center of the Ottoman caliphate to Turkey as a secular state by handing it over to a liberal like Kamal Ataturk, and for the next hundred years. Extremely strict international sanctions were imposed. Due to these restrictions, Turkey had not yet been able to reorganize the Khilafah.

Now that Turkey is emerging as a strong political and economic power, in the case of Tayyab Erdogan, Turkey has a strong leadership. Therefore, Turkey will now prepare the pearls of the Khilafah Tasbeeh in a garland again. Tayyab Erdogan has been involved in the Turkish government since 2002. He was first the Prime Minister and then the President.

Then, in a referendum in 2017-2018, he abandoned the country's outdated parliamentary system and took over all of Turkey's supreme powers as president by forming a presidential system of government, much to the chagrin of Europe, the United States, and so on. Because Tayyip Erdogan was an Islamist and a painful leader of the Muslim Ummah.

That is why the United States and Europe, which are singing the tune of democracy all over the world, strongly opposed Tayyab Erdogan and tried to stage a military coup in Turkey, which was thwarted. After crushing this uprising, Tayyab Erdogan emerged as a powerful president with full public support and he always spoke of uniting the Ummah in the form of a strong alliance.

Now, insha'Allah, 2023 is going to be the 100th year of global sanctions on Turkey and Turkey is about to get out of the clutches of the brutal sanctions of the false powers, so now Turkey is once again preparing to lead the Ummah. In order to remind the Turkish nation of the lesson of creation, dramas related to the history of the Ottoman Caliphate are being shown in the media, people are being attracted to Islam.

Mutual unity with the leading countries of the Muslim Ummah is being promoted. Now not only the world of infidels is afraid of Turkey's initial efforts to reunite the Muslim Ummah, but also many Arab kingdoms, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, are worried that Erdogan is re-organizing t

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