Centipede Dream Meaning - Dream Meaning about centipede and dream Interpretation

2021-11-08 2

Dream about centipede or seeing centipede in dream what does it mean?

Maybe you saw several centipedes in your dream?
Maybe it bites you?
Maybe it was crawling in your skin?
There are many meanings for this bug, depending on how we perceived it in our dream
But first and foremost, let me tell you that we like to approach the interpretation of dreams and its meanings from a psychological point of view. This is, we do not believe in dreams as premonitory messages, instead we believe that dreams are symbols that our subconscious minds use so that we can connect with our inner self, needs and wants.
So, let’s begin with the centipede symbology from a dream perspective
A centipede usually represents some nasty things that seem to have started small and are growing.
If the centipede bites you, crawls on your skin or is a large one, this may mean that you fear that these little things are probably taking too much of you.
What is it, that you did procrastinate, or you left unattended that now is coming back to haunt you with more power than in really had?
If in your dream, you get to kill or crush the centipede, this is a call from your inner self to deal with this issue as soon as possible.
When you see a centipede, it does not may that everything is lost, but that you should indeed work on fix or face that little thing that has been robbing your inner peace little by little in the last few days, weeks or months.
Yes, a centipede is a nasty bug. But is an inoffensive one that you can usually crush with your feet. And you know what your feet represents in your dream: Your balance, your core values, those things for which you stand.
So, take this opportunity and crush the little bug that is bugging you