Maharashtra's minister Nawab Malik once again appeared in Mumbai's drugs case. This time his attack took place on Sameer Wankhede as well as the person who had targeted the minister a day earlier. Mohit Kamboj yesterday alleged that NCP leader Sunil Patil is the mastermind. In response to the same, Nawab Malik showered allegations. Nawab Malik came again today.. and spoke fiercely. It was said that the matter of drugs became political. The fight between NCB Vs BJP intensified. Mohit Kamboj was at the center of Nawab Malik's attacks. The same person who made many serious allegations a day earlier. He also retaliated against Nawab Malik. The minister started the charges with Mohit Kamboj. And while targeting Sameer Wankhede, he reached even Sam D'Souza. Watch this video.