Minneapolis Votes Against Replacing Police Department

2021-11-03 24

Minneapolis , Votes Against, Replacing Police Department.
Minneapolis , Votes Against, Replacing Police Department.
'The Guardian' reports that voters in Minneapolis have chosen to retain their current police department.
If the vote had gone the other way, the city intended to replace the police department in favor of a more "comprehensive public health approach.".
If the vote had gone the other way, the city intended to replace the police department in favor of a more "comprehensive public health approach.".
A "yes" vote would have diverted all police funding. .
Some citizens believed this was a
chance to reimagine public safety.
​​It’s a vote for us to all reimagine public safety and to move away from the type of systems that have not produced safety for all communities. , Rashad Robinson, spokesperson for Color of Change Pac, via 'The Guardian'.
Those against the proposal raised concerns of a lack of proper planning, warning that communities already plagued by violence would become more vulnerable.
Tonight Minneapolis voters have made
clear that we want a planful approach to transforming policing and public safety in our city that needs to include meaningful consultation with the communities that
are most impacted by both violent
crime and by over-policing. , Leili Fatehi, manager of the All of Mpls campaign, via 'The Guardian'.
More than a year after the murder of George Floyd, the city appears to be at a crossroads.
More than a year after the murder of George Floyd, the city appears to be at a crossroads.
Activists reportedly believe that even though
the proposal failed, it has altered the
conversation on policing and public safety.
Activists reportedly believe that even though
the proposal failed, it has altered the
conversation on policing and public safety