Minneapolis Asks Citizens to Vote on Replacing Police Department

2021-11-01 80

Minneapolis Asks Citizens , to Vote on, Replacing Police Department.
ABC News reports the city of Minneapolis has introduced a new ballot measure asking voters if
they'd prefer to replace the city's Police Department.
The ballot measure would replace the city's police with the Department of Public Safety.
The initiative would replace the title of police chief with a commissioner who is nominated by the mayor
and approved by the Minneapolis City Council.
​​It's a vote for us to all reimagine public safety and to move away from the type of systems that have not produced safety for all communities, Rashad Robinson, spokesperson for Color of Change PAC, Via ABC News .
Those opposed to the amendment say its measures are vague, and that it was created without proper community input.
Those opposed to the amendment say its measures are vague, and that it was created without proper community input.
We skipped over a lot of steps that
would normally happen when you're bringing about a change of this magnitude, and people are being sold a proposal that has no plan attached to it. , Nekima Levy Armstrong, civil rights attorney and activist, Via ABC News.
Minneapolis Chief of Police Medaria Arrando aired his grievances with the amendment
at a press conference on Oct 27. .
Minneapolis Chief of Police Medaria Arrando aired his grievances with the amendment
at a press conference on Oct 27. .
It will not eliminate tragic incidents between police and community from ever occurring in our city. It will not suddenly change the culture of the police department that has been
in existence for 155 years. , Medaria Arradondo, Chief Minneapolis Police, Via ABC News.
It will not eliminate tragic incidents between police and community from ever occurring in our city. It will not suddenly change the culture of the police department that has been
in existence for 155 years. , Medaria Arradondo, Chief Minneapolis Police, Via ABC News