Consti-tuition Ep. 08: Private Members Bills

2021-11-10 0

In this episode of Consti-tuition, Meghnad tells you about Private Members Bills, those bills which are introduced by individual MPs and not the Government. Also, watch and find out about an unlikely super-hero who tried really hard, pushed his bill through after 47 years of independence and became Number One.
Catch new episodes every Friday at 7 pm on the Newslaundry website. Subscribe to Newslaundry to get access to the next 2 episodes of Consti-tuition.
Homework for Episode 8
1) Tell us about Laws which YOU would like to see in Parliament. Share your ideas using #LawWeNeed
2) Tweet/Email/Facebook these ideas to your MPs (the ones you found out about during #KnowYourNeta, remember?). The fun part is if they like it and are responsive, the MPs might actually bring in their own private members bills based on your idea!
Join us for a Homework Review on Tuesday, October 24, 2017, at 7 pm on our Facebook page where we go live to read out your responses and discuss Private Members Bills.

Episode Mention: A story of two bills -