Outlook This Week: Fear and Despair in India Inc

2021-10-24 2

‘Tax terror’ is hurting India Inc, but policymakers call it therapeutic. So, are rising liabilities of businesses a balm too? Read our cover story in Outlook this week on fear and despair in India Inc. Apart ‘Tax terror’ is hurting India Inc, but policymakers call it therapeutic. So, are rising liabilities of businesses a balm too? Read our cover story in Outlook this week on fear and despair in India Inc. Apart from this, our focus on Kashmir continues. Kashmir remains one giant, open prison under martial lw, The schools are shut, the sick can’t move to the hospitals, patience is running low. How long can the deployed forces stand on this ‘war footing’? Also read stories of grit and determination of 15 Indian heroes participating in the World Transplant Games, in the UK this August.