Heavy rainfall in Uttarakhand washed away a bridge in Haldwani on Tuesday, while the overflowing Nainital Lake flooded the streets in the district. From Haridwar to Rudraprayag, Haldwani to Nainital, the heavy rains created havoc. The Ganges and its tributary rivers are in spate. Haldwani's Gola river is in full spate and the bridge built on it is on the verge of collapse. The road connecting the bridge with the blow of the overflowing river collapsed. While in Haldwani, an elephant got stuck amidst the raging waves. In the midst of the horrific influx, even the mighty elephant was helpless. After the video went viral, the forest department swung into action, according to which the elephant has been rescued and once again returned to the forests. Watch this episode.