As the festival of Navratri is being observed, many celebrities have taken to social media to share snippets from their celebrations. Shilpa Shetty shared a video from the celebrations with her son Viaan and daughter Samisha. In the video, the beautiful actor can be seen performing a puja. In the caption, she wrote, “My kids and faith. Some things can't just be passed down to the next generation without them witnessing us doing it. It's important to me that my kids grow up with the same values and traditions that our parents inculcated in us.” Every year, the bubbly and beautiful Kajol attends Durga Puja along with her family and friends. Kajol's Durga Puja celebrations began with festivities on Maha Saptami. She attended the Durga Puja in Mumbai. Her cousin and actor, Sharbani Mukherjee was also present. Kajol was spotted with her uncle Deb Mukherjee at the pandal. Nusrat Jahaan and Yash Dasgupta were also seen celebrating the festival. Watch the video to know more.