Bright Line Eating: The Science of Living Happy, Thin and Free Complete

2021-10-13 0

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In this book, Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D. shares the groundbreaking weight-loss solution based on her highly acclaimed Bright Line Eating Boot Camps. Rooted in cutting-edge neuroscience, psychology, and biology,�Bright Line Eating�explains why people who are desperate to lose weight fail again and again: it�s because the brain blocks weight loss.Bright Line Eating (BLE) is a simple approach designed to reverse that process. By working with four �Bright Lines��clear, unambiguous, boundaries�Susan Peirce Thompson shows us how to heal our brain and shift it into a mode where it is ready to shed pounds, release cravings, and stop sabotaging our weight loss goals.Best of all, it is a program that understands that willpower�cannot�be relied on, and sets us up to be successful anyway.Through the lens of Susan�s own moving story, and those of her Bright Lifers, you�ll discover firsthand why traditional diet and exercise plans have failed in the past. You�ll also learn about the role addictive susceptibility plays in your personal weight-loss journey, where cravings come from, how to rewire your brain so they disappear, and more. Susan guides you through the phases of Bright Line Eating�from weight loss to maintenance and beyond�and offers a dynamic food plan that will work for anyone, whether you�re vegan, gluten-free, paleo, or none of the above.Bright Line Eating�frees us from the obesity cycle and introduces a radical plan for sustainable weight loss. It�s a game changer in a game that desperately needs changing.