Bolsonaro Faces Accusations of Crimes Against Humanity

2021-10-12 39

Bolsonaro Faces
Accusations of, Crimes Against
President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro is accused of crimes against humanity for his hand in the decimation of the Amazon Rainforest. .
AllRise, a non-profit organization specializing in environmental law, has filed the official complaint at the International Criminal Court at The Hague.
The complaint alleges that Bolsonaro's destruction of the Amazon is directly
linked to decreasing quality of life
and death in the region. .
Three other complaints have been filed by indigenous groups against Bolsonaro at the ICC since 2016. .
This complaint is the first to highlight
the link between deforestation and global quality of life.
The Bolsonaro administration is accused of stoking fear and creating division among his constituents in Brazil. .
His several smear campaigns have resulted in violence and the murder of environmentalists
who opposed his policies.
It is said that the administration is responsible for 1,500 square miles
of lost rainforest each year.
Deforestation rates in the Amazon have increased
as much as 88% since January 2019.
It is estimated that Bolsonaro’s rampant deforestation could cause over 180,000 excess heat-related deaths globally this century