‘SINISTER’- Trump at rally BLASTS Dem spending bill as WOKE FASCISM – tranganhnam.xyz

2021-10-11 3

“A sinister combination of job-killing tax hikes and woke fascism that will destroy our nation.” That’s how president Donald Trump described the $3.5 trillion dollar Democrat spending bill, the gigantic package Biden, Pelosi, and The Squad have put together to finally fulfill Obama’s socialist promise to “fundamentally transform” the United States.

The rally in Des Moines last night was, as predicted, a total banger. Trump knocked it out of the park, and the other speakers did pretty darn good too, especially Chuck Grassley.

WE have a number of highlight clips for y’all today, but this one HAD to lead because it’s so good I am making it my ringtone.

Trump in just one minute lays out the case against the monstrosity. I mean he encapsulates the whole thing. Utterly shareable. Show anyone you know who votes.

So good. So true. So 2024.

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