'Guilty bulldog tries to avoid eye contact with owner after thrashing the house in her absence '

2021-09-23 3

'Ashley Moch may never forget to take out the trash again after this hilarious incident.

Rib-tickling footage emanating from Lethbridge, Alberta shows Ashley returning home only to see her place a complete mess, courtesy of her pet Bulldog.

"I was late for work, so I forgot to take out the trash before rushing out the door," the filmer told us. "When I came back after a long day, I found out that my dog had a field day with the trash pile."

Ashley eventually locates her pet, hiding in its cage and struggling to make eye contact with its owner.

This funny clip was caught on camera on September 16, 2021.

Name: Ashley Moch
Location: Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada '
WooGlobe Ref : WGA014658
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