According to an official release by the IPL, “Delhi Capitals Captain Shreyas Iyer has been fined after his team maintained a slow over-rate during their Dream11 Indian Premier League (IPL) 2020 match against Sunrisers Hyderabad in Abu Dhabi on 29 September 2020.”
It further said, “As it was his team’s first offence of the season under the IPL’s Code of Conduct relating to minimum over-rate offences, Mr. Iyer was fined Rs 12 lakh.”
Delhi Capitals chose to field first and saw Sunrisers Hyderabad’s score to be 162 for 4 with contributions from Jonny Bairstow, Kane Williamson, and David Warner. Iyer managed 17 off 21 as his side slipped to a 15-run defeat. It took Capitals 23 minutes more to finish their 20 overs after starting at 6 pm local time.
But this is the second offence related to the slow-over rate in IPL 2020, Royal Challengers Bangalore captain Virat Kohli was found guilty of his team maintaining a slow-over rate against Kings XI Punjab and was fined an amount of Rs 12 lakh last week.
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