After the resignation of Vijay Rupani, Bhupendra Patel has become the new Chief Minister of Gujarat. Patel replaced Vijay Rupani as the chief minister of Gujarat, with just more than a year to go for elections in the state. Bhupendra Patel, the MLA from Ghatlodia, was named at a meeting of state BJP MLAs on Sunday afternoon in the presence of central observers Narendra Singh Tomar and Prahlad Joshi and party general secretary Tarun Chaug. Notably, Bhupendra Patel became an MLA for the first time in 2017. Prior to him, former Chief Minister Anandiben Patel had also won the election from this seat. Bhupendra Patel has been the chairman of the Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority. When Bhupendra Patel's name was announced during the meeting, he gave his reaction by making a victory sign. While congratulating Bhupendra Patel, Home Minister Amit Shah said that Gujarat's development will get new energy under his leadership. Vijay Rupani praised Bhupendra Patel and extended his best wishes to him, watch this video.