Psaki SMUGLY REFUSES to answer this IMPORTANT COVID question because Fox News. No other media care for SAME reason.

2021-09-11 148

Jen Psaki refused to answer the question on Friday posed by Peter Doocy about WHY it is that the Biden administration is putting more constraints and requirements on small businesses than on people streaming across America’s southern border.

Psaki, like any run of the mill democrat or journalist, thinks this is a dumb question because they don’t care about the people streaming across the border being vaccinated. They don’t care about anyone bringing crime or terror to America, why would they care about anyone bringing Covid, right?

It’s more than that, though, they simply don’t consider it legitimate to even ask. They sneer at the very question because obviously anyone asking about PROBLEMS with refugees, illegals, or asylum seekers must by definition be racist and, ipso facto, someone to mock and dismiss.

Which is what Psaki does here, with the usual utter compliance and complicity of the rest of the press corps.

Same as it ever was. Democrats aren’t there to be questioned by the press, and they let you know it if you try.