Psaki Admits Biden Abandoned Americans To A Taliban Government Controlled By Terrorists

2021-09-09 16

Listen to this back and forth between Psaki and Fox News reporter Peter Doocy:

The video starts with Psaki saying that we have to engage with the Taliban in order to get American citizens, as well as legal residents and SIV applicants out of the country, but that we aren’t recognizing them as a legitimate government yet, because they have a lot of work to do before that happens.

Doocy pushes back, asking why we have to engage with a terrorist group that just made their new acting interior minister a Haqqani Network Terrorist with a huge bounty on his head, who is known for having killed Americans.

Psaki responds saying “should we not talk to the people who are overseeing Afghanistan and just leave it and not get the rest of the American citizens out?”

Seriously, what a clown show the Biden administration has become because of him. The answer to that last question is ‘hell no, we should have stayed there until we had all of these people out of the country in the first place.’

Seriously. Any president with balls would apologize for his error in judgement and rain down hell on the Taliban if they don’t let us get our people out now. But Biden is still claiming Afghanistan is an extraordinary success.

As far as recognizing the Taliban as legitimate, I think that’s already happened. Biden did that when he surrendered to them at the end of August and ran away, leaving American citizens in their country. Now they have all the recognition from us they want, holding our people hostage to continue to demonstrate how they’ve defeated the mighty United States.

This is the state of America under Biden and it’s absolutely unAmerican.