Aquatic Insects + 水生昆虫

2021-09-08 1

在昆虫纲中是比较原始的类群, 也是较小的一个, 蜻蜓目分为三个亚目, 差翅亚目统称“蜻蜓”, 均翅亚目统称“蟌”以及发现于日本和印度的两种间翅亚目昆虫. 全世界约有5000种, 中国有300多种. 蜻蜓身体粗壮, 休息时翅膀平展于身体两侧, 蟌身体细长, 休息时翅膀束置于背上. 间翅亚目则拥有粗壮的身体和束置于背上的翅膀. 蜻蜓目属不完全变态昆虫, 稚虫 “水虿” 在水中营捕食性生活. 成虫也为肉食性种类, 捕食小型昆虫, 飞行迅速, 性情凶猛....其中许多种类是我们熟识的, “朝生暮死”的蜉蝣目——蜉蝣, 凶猛的螳螂目——螳螂, 无所不在的蜚蠊目——蟑螂, 令人讨厌的虱目——体虱. 昆虫的适应能力很强, 不管你喜欢与否, 它们都在我们的生活中占有一席之地....

It is a relatively primitive group in the class of Insects, and it is also a smaller one. Odonata is divided into three suborders. The Hypoptera are collectively called "Dragonfly", the Homoptera are collectively called "Ecostera" and the two found in Japan and India, species of Methoptera insects. There are about 5,000 species in the world, and there are more than 300 species in China. The dragonfly has a stout body, with wings spread out on both sides of the body when resting, and a long and slender body. When resting, the wings are tied on the back. The order has a sturdy body and wings tied on the back. Odonata is an incomplete metamorphosis insect, the larva "Shuiji" live predatory life in the water. Adults are also carnivorous species, prey on small insects, fly fast, temperament Fierce.... Many of these species are familiar to us, the mayflies that "live and die"-mayfly, the ferocious mantis-praying mantis, the omnipresent cockroach-cockroaches, annoying milky eyes- Body lice. Insects are very adaptable, whether you like it or not, they all have a place in our lives...