10 History Facts They Didn’t Teach You At School

2021-09-08 1

10 History Facts They Didn’t Teach You At School

#1 The Luftwaffe had a master interrogator whose tactic was being as nice as possible

#2 In Ancient Asia, death by elephant was a popular form of execution.

#3 The UK government collected postcards as intelligence for the D-Day landings.

#4 When Marcus Crassus died, molten gold was poured down his throat.

#5 Germany uncovers 2,000 tons of unexploded bombs every year.

#6 In Ancient Greece, wearing skirts was manly.

#7 A singing birthday card has more computer power in it than the entire Allied Army of WWII.

#8 In 1386, a pig was executed in France.

#9 Cleopatra’s reign was closer to the moon landings than the Great Pyramid being built.

#10 Shrapnel is named after its inventor

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