Sidharth Shukla, popular television & film actor died due to cardiac arrest on September 2 in Mumbai. Reportedly, the 40-year-old actor suffered a massive heart attack in the morning on September 2. The young actor is survived by his mother and two sisters. The news of Sidharth Shukla’s death has left the entertainment industry shocked. Sonu Sood tweeted, “Hard to believe he is no more. RIP my friend, u will be missed.” Farah Khan said, “Can this year get any worse??! Shocked and extremely saddened.” Actor Manoj Bajpayee wrote, “This is So Shocking!!!” Suniel Shetty wrote, “Shocked beyond belief at this news!!” Actor Riteish Deshmukh said, “Shocked beyond words!! Gone toooooo soon….” Actor Devoleena Bhattacharjee, with whom Sidharth was seen in reality show Bigg Boss said, “I am just Numb..” Actor Sharad Kelkar wrote, “Totally Numb!” Cricketer Virendra Sehwag said, “Another reminder of how fragile life is.” Wrestler Sangram Singh also paid his condolences. Sidharth not only won Bigg Boss 13 but was also a winner of Khatron Ke Khiladi 7. RIP, Sidharth Shukla.