As the Kabul University wraps up its gender study classes right now, the German Ministry for Foreign Affairs fills the void. Powerful and strong women, inside of Afghanistan as well as outside of it, can now access valuable resources at the URL '' and under the hashtag #zeichensetzen on social media. The website is still a half-fleshed skeleton with an empty glossary, but it presents a summary of the core claims of feminism. There are some surprises. For instance, conservatives continuously fail to address what 'structural discrimination' means and denying it on the basis that racism is not universal or institutional. But the feminist claim is fundamentally different. A society would have to reach an absurd, unpleasant goal in order to not be bigoted and structurally discriminatory. Following their definition, our society is not just hate-evil-double-bad, but any society will always be. So check out my video and decide whether you want to pretend to be their ally or not.
[video gender-inclusive language]