Official Trailer
In the treacherous frontier city of Samurai Town, a ruthless bank robber (Nicolas Cage) is sprung from jail by wealthy warlord The Governor (Bill Moseley), whose adopted granddaughter Bernice (Sofia Boutella) has gone missing. The Governor offers the prisoner his freedom in exchange for retrieving the runaway. Strapped into a leather suit that will self-destruct within five days, the bandit sets off on a journey to find the young woman -- and his own path to redemption.
Set in the treacherous frontier city of Samurai Town where a ruthless bank robber is sprung from jail by wealthy warlord The Governor, whose adopted granddaughter Bernice has gone missing. The Governor offers the prisoner his freedom in exchange for retrieving the runaway. Strapped into a leather suit that will self-destruct within three days, the bandit sets off on a journey to find the young woman and his own path to redemption.
Director Sion Sono
Writers Aaron HendryReza Sixo Safai(screenplay)
Stars Nicolas CageSofia BoutellaNick Cassavetes
Release date September 17, 2021 (United States)
Country of origin United States
Language English
Also known as 프리즈너스 오브 더 고스트랜드
Production companies Patriot Pictures Eleven Arts Baked Studios