Pámpano de filo, Guanacaste, Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica.

2021-08-21 6

61,0 cm
1300 g
10 m de profundidad máxima
su boca pequeña;
lóbulos de la aleta dorsal y anal alargados y amarillos, igual que la caudal; cuerpo plateado con 4 a 6 barras verticales de color amarillo pálido.

Habita en áreas arenosas costeras y también en aguas claras alrededor de arrecifes y áreas rocosas. Se alimenta de pequeños invertebrados y peces.

Body deep (becoming deeper with age) and compressed; mouth small; jaw teeth small, villiform, and only slightly hooked; decreasing in number with age but always present; lower branch of first gill arch with 13 to 15 gill rakers; dorsal fin with 6 spines followed by another spine and 19 to 21 soft rays (VI+I, 19-21); anterior lobes of the second dorsal and anal fins elongated; body silvery with 4 to 6 pale yellow vertical bars that become dark after death; dorsal, anal, and caudal fins yellowish

Inhabits inshore sandy areas and also clear waters around reefs and rocky areas. Feeds on small invertebrates and fishes

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