치즈케이크 만들기 전기밥솥 Simple rice cooker cake recipe Japanese Cheesecake

2021-08-18 101

How to make delicious, healthy cheesecake (Japanese cheesecake) easily, quickly using with electric rice cooker?

Muscovado sugar(any sweetner of your choice) 80g, 1 package of cream cheese, organic wholegrain flour(any flour of your choice) 50g, butter 50g, homemade rice wine(any rice wine of your choice) 20g, 4 eggs

1.Melt cheese and butter.
2.Separate the egg yolks from the whites.
3.Mix melted cheese and butter with the yolks.
4.Add rice wine.
5.Adding sugar 2 or 3 times, beat the whites with an electric hand whisk until they become meringue.
6.Mix sifted whole grain flour with the yolk mixture.
7.Mix the beaten whites with the mixture.
8.Grease the electric rice cooker bowl.
9.Pour the mixture into the bowl.
10.Set 'Stream' mode and cook twice.
11.After completing the 'steam' mode in 20 mins, repeat the mode once more.
12.When finished, remove the bowl from a rice cooker.
13.A rice cooker baked cheese cake is now ready!

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