Tesla Is Under Investigation After Autopilot Feature in Cars Leads to 11 Accidents

2021-08-17 3

Tesla Is Under Investigation , After Autopilot Feature in Cars Leads to 11 Accidents.
All 11 accidents involved emergency vehicles.
and may have been the result of the
self-driving elements of the Tesla cars.
Tesla's Autopilot feature,
specifically, is under scrutiny.
According the National Highway
Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA).
the accidents resulted in the deaths of at least
one person and caused 17 injuries.
The NHTSA specified that its investigation will
shed light on "the causes of certain Tesla crashes".
[The investigation will seek to understand] the technologies and methods used to monitor, assist, and enforce the driver's engagement with driving while Autopilot is in use, NHTSA Statement, via CNN.
It also issued a reminder for drivers of Tesla vehicles.
NHTSA reminds the public that no commercially available motor vehicles today are capable of driving themselves. , NHTSA Statement, via CNN.
Every available vehicle requires a human driver to be in control at all times, and all state laws hold human drivers responsible for operation of their vehicles. , NHTSA Statement, via CNN.
Certain advanced driving assistance features can promote safety by helping drivers avoid crashes and mitigate the severity of crashes that occur, , NHTSA Statement, via CNN.
but as with all technologies and equipment on motor vehicles, drivers must use them correctly and responsibly, NHTSA Statement, via CNN.
Tesla claims its data shows that the Autopilot feature results in fewer accidents than human driven vehicles.
But it also cautions that
"current Autopilot features require active driver supervision and do not make the vehicle autonomous."

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