The beautiful Sara Ali Khan turned a year older on August 12. The 26-year-old actor rang in the day with her family and friends. Sara also shared a video featuring her mother Amrita Singh and father Saif Ali Khan. The birthday girl remembered some sweet moments from the days gone by to mark her 26th birthday. In the caption, Sara wrote, “Quarter century over! 26 years of living, laughing and loving.”The Kedarnath actor celebrated the day with her brother Ibrahim, mom Amrita and many of her close friends. The party was all about pink balloons and laughter. Sara’s social media was flooded with ‘Happy Birthday’ wishes. Kareena Kapoor Khan, who is married to Sara's dad Saif Ali Khan, shared a picture of the birthday girl & wrote, "Happy birthday beautiful.” Sara’s aunt Saba Ali Khan shared some beautiful unseen photos and wished her niece. Another aunt, Soha Ali Khan also wished Sara. Meanwhile, Janhvi Kapoor shared the most adorable wish for the birthday girl. She shared a picture with Sara along with a note. Anushka Sharma, Manish Malhotra and many others wished the birthday girl. Sara Ali Khan will be next seen in Atrangi Re, co-starring Akshay Kumar and Dhanush. She was last seen in Coolie No 1 featuring Varun Dhawan.