CBS News Investigates The Men In Black & UFO Crash in Needles California

2021-08-09 4

ack in 2008, local news reported on a UFO that crashed near Needles, California. Residents in the tri-state area of Nevada, Arizona, and California saw something weird blaze out of the sky and crash on the banks of the Colorado River, South of Needles.

Witness reports said the UFO had a blueish hue to it. 17 Minutes after the crash, military personal in huge black helicopters showed up in the area and cordon off the crash site. the local people in the area claim the crashed object was later lifted away in two huge black helicopters.

On CBS local news this was an on going story about the crash in Needles, California. Chief Investigative Reporter George Knapp and Photojournalist Matt Adams produced a series of video about the incident and the strange Man in Black that showed up in the area after the incident.