Let's call this Insta Story trick "Inception".
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Let's call this Insta Story trick "Inception".

Insta Story Trick "Inception" | Instagram Hacks

2021-08-06 4

Do you like this trick? Tips here

Let's call this Insta Story trick "Inception".

⭐ How to do this trick ⭐

Share a post from your feed to your Story
Take a screenshot of the post and crop it
Use the "Photo Sticker" feature to add the photo as a background
Use the "Photo Sticker" feature again to add your post screenshot
Keep adding the screenshot photo to make the inception effect

You will catch people's attention for sure!

If you can't share a post from your feed to your Story, you can still use this trick and tell people to check your new post on your feed.

Android Phone

Some of you told us you now have the "Photo Sticker" feature on Android now.

If you don't see it yet: Go in your Google PlayStore and check if you have the latest version of Instagram installed on your phone.

Do you like this trick?

Let me know if you have any questions about the trick