Dakshini Prayas Creating Better Lives Kolkata Model School For Social 1080 x 1920

2021-08-04 4

Best Business Ideas 2021, New Business Ideas 2021, Small Business Ideas, Low Investment Startup Business Ideas

Hi, This is BizBuzz 24X7 YouTube News Channel We Mean Business.
Today we are going to do an interview with Kamal Prakash And his Wife, Anubhuti Prakash who running the DAKSHINI PRAYAS school for poor kids from 1993.

Our motto is decoding the business that started with ZERO money and experience.

Ask any question you have in the comments below or email:

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Our Guest's Linkedin I'd - linkedin.com/in/arnab-chakraborty-asmakaventures

Our Guest's Website - dakshiniprayash.org/

#FreeSchoolingForPoorKids #FreeSchoolForKids

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DISCLAIMER:- This video is only created to provide information about new startup business ideas. This channel is not responsible for any profit or loss in any business. You must research yourself before starting any business. This video is only for educational purposes