De la vapeur d'eau a été découverte pour la première fois sur Ganymède, la lune de Jupiter

2021-08-02 1

Water Vapor Discovered
for First Time , on Jupiter Moon Ganymede.
The findings of the new study were recently published in the journal of Nature Astronomy.
The C.D.C. labeled the Delta variant as a "variant of
concern," which means that it may be more transmissible, .
it may cause more severe illness and that vaccines
may be less effective in preventing illness.
Water vapor in the atmosphere matches the data very well, Lorenz Roth, Lead Study Author, via
Within this stronger oxygen signal, it's hard to find other signals, Lorenz Roth, Lead Study Author, via
These findings suggest that water vapor actually exists in the atmospheres of icy bodies in the outer solar system, Lorenz Roth, Lead Study Author, via
Now we might see it more places, Lorenz Roth, Lead Study Author, via
Experts say that current vaccines used in the
U.S. are effective against this variant, .
but that those who have not been
vaccinated are especially susceptible.
This is the most dangerous phase of the pandemic coming up for people who are unvaccinated, Dr. Gregory Poland, Mayo Clinic's Vaccine
Research Group, via NBC News.
The Delta variant was first detected in India

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