Inside Global Underworld - Dark Side Of Trade (全球地下黑市)

2021-07-27 2

黑市犯罪, 假货猖獗:--
在世界大城任选一个街角, 你可能会看到这种情形发生.....买方想捡便宜, 卖方有货物待售, 供需出现, 最后达成交易, 揭开全球黑市犯罪王国的面纱. 阳光的背后总有阴影, 全球化的供应链必定包括隐藏的黑色部分, 正如世界工厂无可避免也是全球非法产品的生产地. 里面的一个观点非常值得推广, 你以为买盗版的光盘或者包包是无伤大雅的事情, 但是因此而间接支持 "黑色供应链".
假货猖獗, 假货批发市场, 假药毒死人, 食品药品管理局长因贪污被枪决, 我们认为这都是片面存在的, 并非是故意. 但是黑市的壮大, 都是因为监管疏忽和不作为, 最后罪犯成为政客, 政客变成罪犯, 害死无辜群众. 没有买卖就没有杀害, 没有贪便宜的消费者就没有伪造伪劣产品和假货奸商. 网络发达使得非法交易更便利, 更难以追查.
The Black Supply Chain:--
Roaming to a street corner in a big city of the world, you may see this is happening...The buyer wants to take advantage of bargain, the seller has goods for sale, supply and demand appear, and finally a deal is done, unveiling the veil of the global black market crime Trade. Under the shade of sunshine there is always a shadow behind, global supply chain hidden in the dark side. Just as the world's factories are inevitably evade from the production of illegal products around the world. One of the ideas in it is not worth promoting, you may think buying pirated CDs or bags is innocuous, but it indirectly supports the "black supply chain".
Rampant fake goods, false wholesale markets, fake drugs poisoned people, and the Director of the Food and Drug Administration was shot for corruption. We think this is one-sided case, not intentional. But the growth of the black market is due to regulatory negligence and inaction. In the end, criminals become politicians, and politicians become criminals, killing innocent people. Without buying and selling, there will be no killing, and without cheap consumers, there will be no counterfeit and shoddy products and fake profiteers. The development of the Internet makes illegal transactions more convenient and more difficult to track down.