Meet 23-year-old Sabhat Gulzar, a young District Development Council (DDC) member from Shangus block of Anantnag district of South Kashmir. Sabhat won her maiden election as a Congress candidate from Shangus. Sabhat is a student of LLB at Kashmir University and a daughter of former Congress MLA Gulzar Ahmad Wani. Being one of the youngest DDC members in the Valley.
South Kashmir के Anantnag जिले के Shangus block की young District Development Council (DDC) member 23 साल की Sabhat Gulzar से मिलिए। सभत ने Shangus से Congress candidate के रूप में अपना पहला election जीता है। बता दें कि सभा कश्मीर विश्वविद्यालय में एलएलबी की छात्रा है और कांग्रेस के Congress MLA Gulzar Ahmad Wani की बेटी है।
#SabhatGulzar #Anantnag #JammuandKashmir #DistrictDevelopmentCouncil #KashmirNews