Before the 2022 UP elections, the BSP has again made a bet to get the support of Brahmins. The party has organized the first Brahmin conference in Ayodhya, although the party is calling it an enlightened class meeting, the BSP has insisted to bring the Brahmins back together. A promise has been made to build a Ram temple in Ayodhya and according to BSP General Secretary Satish Mishra, the encounter of Brahmins will be avenged. He has spoken of an alliance of 13% Brahmins and 23% Dalits. The question is, will the BSP be able to repeat the charisma of 2007? The brahmin who has shown one-sided with BJP since 2014, would they support Mayawati in 2022? At the same time, another issue is that who is behind the spying scandal? There is an uproar in the politics of the country regarding this question. When Congress demanded a probe under the supervision of the Supreme Court, Rahul Gandhi demanded the resignation of the Home Minister. Watch this episode of primetime.