Britney Spears, in a furious Instagram post, said she has "quit" doing live performances and slammed her father's control over her affairs. For weeks the pop superstar has been pleading with a judge in Los Angeles to free her from the years-long conservatorship largely governed by her father, Jamie, ramping up worldwide interest in her case. Late Saturday she took to Instagram in a new, public demonstration of her anger. (QUOTE: “I'm not gonna be performing on any stages anytime soon with my dad handling what I wear, say, do, or think” Britney Spears). Instead, she said, she will share her own dance videos "from my living room" instead of from a stage in Las Vegas. "I quit!!!!" she wrote. Spears said she had been made to perform shows under threat of lawsuit, and that she was not even allowed to get changed in privacy or drive her own car. Spears also referenced recent documentaries about her plight that have helped fuel a reckoning about the entertainment industry's treatment of young, female pop stars. Recently, Spears scored a major victory in her legal battle after a judge ruled she could appoint her own lawyer. The lawyer appointed by a court following her breakdown had asked to step down from his role, as had the financial management company that was set to assume joint control of her estate with her father. Spears's longtime manager Larry Rudolph has also quit. Her father, however, has signalled that he will not step down voluntarily. Watch the video to know more.