Navjot Singh Sidhu has been named new Punjab Congress chief despite Chief Minister Amarinder Singh's objection. He posted tweets thanking the Gandhis for the "pivotal responsibility" and said his "journey has just begun". The late night announcement followed days of turmoil and uncertainty. In his first reaction, Sidhu appeared to take a swipe at Amarinder Singh as he talked about his father, a Congress worker, "leaving a royal household" to join the freedom struggle. Amarinder Singh's father was the ruler of the former princely state of Patiala. The cricketer-turned-politician will take charge along with four working presidents. The names show the party balancing out the elevation of Sidhu by meeting Amarinder Singh's demand that Hindus and Dalits be represented. But none of the names were vetted by Amarinder Singh, so the Congress's Punjab solution is seen more as a snub to the CM, who had resisted the elevation of Sidhu to the top party post ahead of polls in the state next year. As a rider for his acceptance of Sidhu's promotion, Singh had asked to be involved in key decisions and given a free hand with the appointment of working presidents. Even his reported demand for a public apology from Sidhu over his open attacks was unmet. Watch the video to know more.