International Virtual Seminar: Launching ACCESS Project

2021-07-16 1

The ACCESS project is designed to provide the poor and most vulnerable communities with equitable and sustainable access to basic services for improving their livelihoods. With funding support from Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), UNDP will implement the ACCESS project during 2020-2023 in Indonesia and Timor-Leste in partnership with the Indonesia Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources and the Ministry of State Administration of Timor-Leste.

This webinar aims to inform the public about the ACCESS project and stimulate discussion on rural electrification using clean energy resources.

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Thursday, 10th September 2020 | 10:00 A.M - 12:30 P.M Jakarta Time

1. Ir. F.X. Sutijastoto, MA - Director General EBTKE, ESDM
2. Mr. Jeong Hoe Jin - Country Director KOICA Indonesia
3. Sophie Kemkhadze, Ph.D – Resident Representative a.i. UNDP Indonesia

Presentation of ACCESS Project
Verania Andria, Ph.D – Senior Adviser for Sustainable Energy, UNDP Indonesia

Talkshow Panelists:
1. Mr. Lino de Jesus Torrezão - Vice Minister of the Ministry of State Administration, Timor-Leste
2. Mr. M. Halim Sari Wardana - Secretary Directorate General of NREEC, Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources
3. Mr. L.M. Husen Tali, M.Pd - Regional Secretariat of West Muna Regency, Sultra
4. Mr. Cipta Irawan - Alumni of KOICA Indonesia Scholarship Master Degree programme on Energy

Moderator: Prita Laura

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