August, 25-28 2020
August, 25-28 2020

SAFE Forum 2020: The Circular Economy: An Opportunity

2021-07-16 1

SAFE Forum 2020
"Reshaping Indonesia for a Sustainable Future"
August, 25-28 2020

The Circular Economy: An Opportunity

Not every waste should be thrown away. There is a large potential to reduce, reuse, and recycle. With the circular economy concept, resources that are not utilized can be processed to have more economic value.

1. R. Bagas Hapsoro - Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Kingdom of Sweden and Republic of Latvia 2016-2020
2. Prof. Todung Mulya Lubis - Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia for the Kingdom of Norway and Republic of Iceland
3. Agus Sari - CEO, Landscape Indonesia (PT Bentang Alam Indonesia)
4. Fraser Thompson - Co-Founder and Director, Alphabeta in Singapore
5. Maryna Henrysson - Researcher, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Gita Syahrani - Executive Director, Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL)

- If you want to access another discussion, please go to SAFE Forum 2020 page (
- E-Certificate is available for participants on Zoom Application only who join 80% of the sessions in entire series of the events.
- All sessions are available in English and Bahasa Indonesia at Zoom Application

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