On Wednesday (July 7), the country witnessed a complete revamp of the Union Council of Ministers. In which not only were new faces inducted but crucial portfolios were also reshuffled. Among the new cabinet entrants was Rajya Sabha member from Odisha - Ashwini Vaishnaw. Ashwini will be the new Railways, Communications and IT Minister. Earlier, Ravi Shankar Prasad and Piyush Goyal were divested of the key portfolios currently with Vaishnaw. Similarly, Dharmendra Pradhan who held charge of Petroleum Ministry in the two terms of Modi government... ...replaced Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank as the new Education Minister. Apart from this, Pradhan also retains the Skill Development Ministry. Both the ministries have reportedly been clubbed together. Another new face in the council of ministers was Mayurbhanj MP Bisweswar Tudu who was inducted as a Minister of State, and given responsibility of Tribal Affairs and Jal Shakti.